Summer Bucketlist


Summer will officially be starting soon and I’ve made a list of things I want to do this summer and I plan to stick with it! I like to create bucket lists especially around the summer because it makes life more interesting. You don’t want to get stuck with the common day-to-day activities and before you know it–summer is over. For the next couple of months, embark on exciting adventures and let go of your inhibitions. Here are  some summer bucket list ideas to have you ready for an incredible summer! Let me know if you have done any of these or plan to try some!!

Read more books- I have always enjoyed reading, however, I have been busier than ever and took a break from reading. For Christmas I received some books that I have not yet read. I will read these books first and I also have a book list of new books I hope to get. I have no set number of books I desire to read over the summer, but I will try and read a good number of books. Be on the look out for a post about the books I read this summer!

Try new summer treats- I really love to eat! Eating has to be one of my favorite things to do! I especially love trying new foods. I’m not a picky eater and I’ll honestly eat anything. Since I will be going on two vacations during summer, I am super excited to try new summer foods that I have never tried before!

Spend an entire day watching movies-I have literally been so busy since the new year started. Something I have been wanting to do for a while, is to just stay home all day and watch movies. Grab me some snacks and popcorn and either watch old classics or new movies that I’ve never seen before. Of course this will give me an excuse to be in my pajamas all day!

Go bike riding in the city-I have been trying to do this for the longest!! This is at the top of my list. One day I want to go to the city, rent bikes, bike all around town, then go eat afterwards. I have to do this soon. One afternoon my family and I went to the city and actually say some people doing this and we decided to do this soon. So fingers crossed that is actually happens soon!

Participate in a color run- I really want to do a color run, however, I think the deadline passed so hopefully I can find another color run that is close by because I really want to do this!

Buy a plant & keep it alive-I can never keep a planet alive no matter how hard I try. This summer I am determined to get a cute little house plant and keep it alive this summer. When I go to college in the fall, I want to have about 4 little plants in my dorm. During the summer, I will be able to test out my skills and see if I can actually keep a plant alive.

Thrift shopping- I haven’t been thrift shopping in a while. However, since I will be going to college in a couple of months, I need to get some new clothes. I want to go thrift shopping, go shopping at an outlet mall, and a regular mall as well to stock up on some new clothes.

Listen to a new artist- My playlist consistent of the same artist. I love music and lately I’ve been wanting to listen to a new style. I decided what better way then to invest in a new artist. I’m not sure what style of music I want to listen to, but I am open to anything. Hopefully I’ll enjoy the new artist so much that I’ll want to go their concert.

Go vegan- The past few summers I have tried this and have been successful a couple of times. Going vegan is something I am passionate about. However, I don’t want to go vegan year round, just in the summer. The benefits of going vegan are really nice and help with my skin. I have not decided if I will go vegan this summer, but since it is on my list, I probably will.

Workout/ Exercise everyday for a week-I have been saying this since forever! But this summer I am so serious. I really need to work out and fast! Since I will be starting school in the fall, I’ve heard that freshmen normally gain 15 pounds! I don’t want this to be me, so if I get in the habit of exercising, then when I start school I will be fine.

Go on a huge shopping spree- During the summer I made it my mission to work more. During the school year I only worked 2 days, now I work 4 days during the summer. Since I’m not occupied by school, I am able to work more days. I decided to work more so I can make more money! This summer I am planning to go a big shopping trip before I start college in the fall. I want to go to a mall, outlet mall, and shop online!

Go camping in the backyard- I have never been camping before!! This is something I’ve been wanting to do since I was a little girl. I do not want to go to cabin, instead I want to set up a tent and cook outside. I either want to go with my family or some of my friends.                                                                                                                   I’ll start off in my backyard, then once I’m comfortable with the outdoors, I’ll go to the mountains.

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