When does your makeup expire


Recently I came across an article where research was done to see when our everyday makeup products expire. I found this article interesting and fascinating because I was able to learn when products expire and see why they expire as well. From reading other articles similar I have researched when certain products expire and wanted to share. Now I know it depends on each individual, and quite frankly I keep some of my products way longer than its expiration date.

2-3 Months


  • Mascara- This product should definitely be replaced more often than any other makeup product. Mascara captures and traps bacteria especially when it comes in contact with your eye. Make sure to remember to replace this product and also remember when you got it so you know when it is time to get rid of it.

Face Mask &  Loofahs 

6 months-1 year


  • Eyeliner- Liner just like mascara captures and builds up bacteria. However, eyeliner is made up of different products than mascara and does not come in direct contact with your eye, therefor, it can last a couple of months longer than mascara.  But it is always good to replace this sooner than later.


Concealer & Face Wash

1-1.5 years


  • Foundation– Now as for foundation I believe it depends on the products that are in it that determine its expiration. Some foundations are made up of cheap materials and cheap paste. These foundations should only be used for 2-3 months. However, the foundations that are made up of ingredients that are right for your skin can be used up to a year. I have found that my high end foundations can last up longer than a year.

Lip Gloss & Eyebrow Gel

2 years

Lip Sticks & Lip Pencils


  • Eyeshadow– Solid products can last way longer than liquid products especially since they are not prone to bacteria as easy. You can notice solid makeup products getting old and expiring once they start to harden and start changing colors.



Powders & Blushes

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